Concrete Basements
Basements are a valuable part of any new home, with benefits far outweighing
cost. About half of all new homes in North America are built with basements, and
the rest could be. Concrete is the material of choice for basement construction,
with 98% of North American basements built of one of many available concrete
wall systems.
Why build a basement?
Basements provide inexpensive space for many uses. A basement's sturdiness
and location make it ideal for housing mechanical equipment like furnaces, water
heaters and other utilities. These same properties make it an excellent choice
for recreational space, storage areas, workshops or hobby rooms. Basements
typically house main electrical lines, plumbing and ductwork, making these
easily accessible for changes and repair. the sheltering properties of
below-grade space make basements "safe havens' for occupants during
hurricanes, tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. With a few upgrades, basements
can be transformed into entertainment centers, offices or extra bedrooms for a
growing family. this provides a homeowner future expansion potential without the
cost of constructing more floor space above ground, and can also substantially
increase the resale value of a property.

How much does basement space cost?
Building almost any home requires digging, from a few inches to a few feet.
By increasing the digging to 6-8 feet, forming walls of the desired height, and
pouring a concrete slab at the bottom, a contractor can make a foundation into a
full basement. The incremental cost can be as little as $10 per square foot over
the cost of a shallower, stem wall foundation, or $20 per square foot over the
cost of a simple slab on grade--far below in the cost of constructing more space
in the above-ground portions of a house.
Why is my basement built of concrete?
For basement construction, concrete is by far the product of choice. Concrete
provides a permanent, stable base for a house to rest on the creates an enclosed
space protected from the ground, rodents and weather. Sturdy concrete walls are
highly resistant to shifting or sagging under ground and water pressure, often
for a century or more. When necessary, strength can be enhanced by increasing
wall thickness and embedding steel reinforcing bars inside the concrete.
Concrete does not rot, warp, rust, deteriorate or provide a food source for mold
in the presence of water or moisture. Concrete doesn't burn and can't be eaten
or damaged by termites, insects or vermin. Properly designed concrete walls keep
out water, radon and outside noise. They can also be constructed with a durable
architectural finish and high insulation value.
Information from the Portland Cement Association (PCA)